Our Programs
Infants Program (6 weeks to 15 months)
Our teachers foster each infant’s development with individualized, child-directed care routines. We recognize that building trusting, nurturing, and secure bonds between each child and their teachers is key for our infants to learn and thrive. Through open communication and our inclusive environment, we also strengthen our relationships with each child’s family.
We recognize that development is a spectrum and different for each individual. As each infant grows, teachers support their need for discovery and exploration by planning developmentally appropriate learning activities, encouraging our children to use their emerging skills at a pace that best suits them. The day is filled with stimulating sensory activities, language-rich fingerplays and songs, pretend play and communication through American Sign Language.
Weekly Tuition Rates
2 children: 10% discount off of oldest child’s tuition
3 children: 15% discount off of oldest child’s tuition, 10% discount off of middle child’s tuition